July 10th, 2020: Just over a month after his previous single, “Shouldn’t Be This Hard” premiered on American Songwriter, Greg Owens has released his second single, “Love in the Rain.”
Speaking about the song he says:
“Love In the Rain” was written during a songwriting challenge put on by Nashville Singer-songwriter Sarah Spencer, called Five in Five. You write five songs in five days. She provides a writing prompt each morning and the idea is to write quick and not edit yourself too much. I believe the prompt for this one was a list of ten words and you had to use five of those words. Can’t quite remember what they were but I’m sure “rain” was one of them.
Lyrically, I think it’s kind of an ode to those young adult romance movies I was probably watching in the late 90s and early 2000s. The whole idea of making love in the rain just seemed like something that’d happen in those films. Isn’t there a scene in the Notebook that’s similar? Anyways, this is the image that day’s prompt seemed to conjure up for me. So, it makes sense that when it came time to record “Love In the Rain” my producer, Taylor Lonardo, gave it kind of a 90s feel. He’s good at that!
Initially, I thought the song was too cheesy to really be a part of the Greg Owens and the Whiskey Weather repertoire but enough fans that had heard me play it live encouraged me to record it so I did. I’m glad I listened to them!”
Greg Owens grew up in a small rural town in West Tennessee just 80 miles North of Memphis. The youngest of four siblings, Greg often spent hours making mix tapes of their CD collections. Inspired by the songs of the nineties featuring The Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, and Alice In Chains, Greg started playing guitar and writing songs at the age of 10. By 16, he was packing out local dive bars. It was on that stage engulfed in cigarette smoke and the attention of the riotous bar patrons that Greg felt he had purpose.
Nearly two decades later, it is these influences that shape the sound of the pensive singer/songwriter’s music. Owens’ weathered voice breezes through confessional lyrics over equal parts earthy acoustic guitar and overdriven electric. Lyrically, his songs deal with themes such as, love, alienation, and coming to terms with change, whether it is good or bad. Although these are not uncommon themes, it is the authenticity of the songwriter’s lyrics that is unique. The compositions feel very lived in, as if Greg is inviting you into his life.